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Nice article. But don't understand why this wouldn't work with Input endpoints? Is the HTTP reservation different? The external load-balancer would change the request to http://ip:port and hostNameComparisionMode=Exact would still work. Right?

Christian Weyer

Unfortunately, not, nope :( I am sure they will fix it in upcoming releases.


Thanks for publishing this article. I was able resolve my issue. I am however now not able to connect to the service through my client. I am using the following address http://someservice.cloudapp.net/servicename to try and connect. Just gives and error saying

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

There was no endpoint listening at http://someservice.cloudapp.net/servicename that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Do I need to do anything special on the client side

Christian Weyer

Hm... did you already try to enable WCF tracing to see what is really going bad...?

Antonello Tesoro

As an extension to the sample code, I would suggest to register a handler for the Faulted event of the Service Host; have the Handler set a ManualResetEvent, and have the Run method return if the event gets set. This way, in case of a faulting host, Run will return, causing the Role to be Recycled.

Krishna Nadiminti

has anyone found a fix for this?

I'm trying to listen on http:80 using a WCF service from a worker role in Azure (with an input endpoint). I get the 404 error as mentioned in the comments previously.

Christian Weyer

Good question - I do not have time currently to try it, but maybe we need to register a URL namespace in a startup task.

yeast infection

I was able resolve my issue. I am however now not able to connect to the service through my client.

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